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Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to get calcium from plants

A common question that I get regarding my lifestyle change to a plant based diet is, "How do you get enough calcium?"  The answer is easy.  Our body can absorb calcium from plants better than it can absorb calcium from dairy.  Dark green vegetables like broccoli, romaine lettuce, spinach, kale and bok choy are very high in absorbable calcium.  One large salad everyday can provide more than half of the calcium required for bone health.  Nuts, seeds, beans and even oranges contain calcium.  We live in a time when nutrients, once thought to only exist in animal based food, can be measured in plants.  A shift has begun to reverse the 100 year old paradigm which led the western world to believe that milk is a necessary source of calcium.

The key to prevention of bone loss / osteoporosis  
According to Dr. Furhman, and  other doctors on the cutting edge of reforming diet and nutrition in our country, the reason we lose calcium from our bones is from excesses.  Too much dairy and animal protein can cause the blood to have a high acidity.  The body will then draw calcium from the bones in an effort to neutralize the blood, which is then expelled through the urine.  Salt also plays a huge roll in calcium loss through the urine.  When dairy is eliminated, animal protein significantly reduced or eliminated, and salt reduced, the body doesn't require as much calcium intake to maintain bone health

How To Easily Get Enough Calcium When You Reduce Your Dairy Intake
Interview with Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

The following list of calcium content in common plant foods was taken from the Dallas Fort Worth Vegetarian website
Plant Foods High in Calcium Content
Some plant foods are naturally high in calcium content.
"Calcium content of foods (per 100-gram portion) (100 grams equals around 3.5 ounces):

1. Human Breast Milk 33 mg
2. Almonds 234 mg
3. Amaranth 267 mg
4. Apricots (dried) 67 mg
5. Artichokes 51 mg
6. Beans (can: pinto, black) 135 mg
7. Beet greens (cooked) 99 mg
8. Blackeye Peas 55 mg
9. Bran 70 mg
10. Broccoli (raw) 48 mg
11. Brussel Sprouts 36 mg
12. Buckwheat 114 mg
13. Cabbage (raw) 49 mg
14. Carrot (raw) 37 mg
15. Cashew nuts 38 mg
16. Cauliflower (cooked) 42 mg
17. Swiss Chard (raw) 88 mg
18. Chickpeas (garbanzos) 150 mg
19. Collards (raw leaves) 250 mg
20. Cress (raw) 81 mg
21. Dandelion Greens 187 mg
22. Endive 81 mg
23. Escarole 81 mg
24. Figs (dried) 126 mg
25. Filberts (Hazelnuts) 209 mg
26. Kale (raw leaves) 249 mg
27. Kale (cooked leaves) 187 mg
28. Leeks 52 mg
29. Lettuce (lt. green) 35 mg
30. Lettuce (dark green) 68 mg
31. Molasses (dark-213 cal.) 684 mg
32. Mustard Greens (raw) 183 mg
33. Mustard Greens (cooked) 138 mg
34. Okra (raw or cooked) 92 mg
35. Olives 61 mg
36. Oranges (Florida) 43 mg
37. Parsley 203 mg
38. Peanuts (roasted & salted) 74 mg
39. Peas (boiled) 56 mg
40. Pistachio Nuts 131 mg

Plant foods high in calcium content.
41. Potato Chips 40 mg
42. Raisins 62 mg
43. Rhubarb (cooked) 78 mg
44. Sauerkraut 36 mg
45. Sesame Seeds 1160 mg
46. Squash (Butternut) 40 mg
47. Soybeans 60 mg
48. Sugar (brown) 85 mg
49. Tofu 128 mg
50. Spinach (raw) 93 mg
51. Sunflower Seeds 120 mg
52. Sweet Potatoes (baked) 40 mg
53. Turnips (cooked) 35 mg
54. Turnip Greens (raw) 246 mg
55. Turnip Greens (boiled) 184 mg
56. Water Cress 151 mg

Dallas-Fort Worth  Vegetarian Education Network.

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